Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reading Notes: Pacific Northwest, Part A

Pacific Northwest Reading Unit

(Silver Fox Moncton by James Mann; Flickr)

- Water
- A heaven concept, with living in the sky
- They have human qualities
- Five is an important number
- Thinking about animals, and ending up creating them as result
- "Two moons of winter, one of spring, and one of autumn. That's enough."

- Wood to mankind
- "Coyote ran after some of the women and after a long chase caught them. But so soon as he touched them, they turned to shavings."
- Chary ordered the man to decide the rank of the animals - sounds similar to God and Adam
- Coyote was cheated out of rank, and as a result became the cunning and mean creature he is today
- The Sky World
- and killed?

-The naming of the animals
- He created different tribes

- The grizzly bear was made master of all
- Leaves became birds
- Small sticks turned to fish, middle sticks became all other animals, and the big end of the stick he made the grizzly
- When the white man came Old Man from Above disappeared

- People were not yet created, so animals and trees talked and walked upright.
- Pine Trees had the secret of fire... was that because they catch on fire easily?
- Its strange that the fire survived being soaked in water when beaver jumped in the river.
- "Cedar still stand all alone on the very top of the hill. He is very old. His top is dead.... Old men of the tribes point him out to the children. They say, 'There is Old Cedar. He stands just where he stopped when he chased Beaver.'"

How Dog Stole Fire (Pit River)
- wives-stealing
- the power of dance is similar to the power of prayer?
- Someone stole his wives, but the people in the end call him bad/evil?
- Coyote does not like joking.
- hiding the punk in his ear...

The Story of Ashish (Klamath)
- Purple blue was the fire of Ashish
- yellow was the fire of Silver-Fox
- Kemush had only smoke
- Ashish's FIVE wives
- The wives could tell that Kemush was portraying Ashish
- Ashish is a fool
- I would love to see two little butterflies, carrying down a grown man

Chinook Wind (Yakima)

As-Ai-Yahal (Tillamook)
- He is a terrible sport, but then he redeems himself?

The First Totem Pole  (Kwakiutl)
- Why did Raven take the chief around the world?
- "Taken off her animal clothes, and appeared to be a woman." Like a selkie?
- AND Mouse liked the chief.
- THe illusion of time. 
- Instead of five, the number was FOUR

Three Raven Stories 
- A little savage, but hey Raven was responsible for the daylight
- A white raven is an interesting concept, the blubber oil turned him black
- Owl does not have any patience
- I don't know what they became rocks when Raven laughed.. I do not get the culture aspect.
- War between Old Gray Wolf and Old Grizzly people seems like an interesting topic to use for a story.

Woodrat and Rabbits (Modoc)
- FIVE cottontail rabbits
- Why does he want to fight Rabbit?
- KARMA, don't kill individuals because you are most likely to be killed as well

Why There Are No Snakes on Takhoma (Cowlitz)
- Ah, I was wondering when a great flood would make its appearance in the tales

Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest by Katharine Berry Judson (1910).

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