Wednesday, May 3, 2017

MythFolklore Improvements

Expand the Story Planning Option:
I think this idea would be great for those who have a harder time thinking of stories and/or for students who want to write a longer story. After thinking about the semester, I realize I should have utilized some of the weeks as story planning weeks rather than just putting out a story I did not like or was proud of writing.

Create thematic reading units:
This seems like an awesome idea! I was looking through the blog to find extra reading options and I stumbled upon a book about werewolves and I am reading it for the extra credit option for this week. I think if you did thematic units a lot of students would appreciate it. I would! Units on how each culture views werewolves, witches, ghosts, even tragic love stories like you mentioned in your post would be a great idea.

I honestly can't think of anything to improve. This class was a lot of writing, but I enjoyed it. The only thing I did not enjoy was having to read some students' work who did not want to write the stories and it was a bit hard to read some that could not tell a story, but I give them credit for trying.

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